Marketing & Enrollment Services

At Everydesk, we specialize in providing monthly marketing and enrollment expertise designed to help your organization reach more families and grow your student body. We collaborate with and strengthen your existing enrollment team, allowing your school staff to concentrate on the work they love.


✓ Messaging Strategy

✓ Monthly Consultation

✓ One Digital Ad Campaign

✓ Content Review

First month $1499 then


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✓ Messaging Strategy

✓ Monthly Consultation

✓ One Digital Ad Campaign

✓ One Piece of Collateral Development

First month $1499 then


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✓ Messaging Strategy

✓ Bi-Weekly Consultation

✓ Two Digital Ad Campaigns

✓ Two Pieces of Collateral Development


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Everydesk Marketing & Enrollment FAQs

  • Everydesk works primarily with high-quality public charter schools and charter management organizations who are dedicated to the success of students. Do you have a program that develops students but isn’t a charter school? Give us a call to see if we would be a good fit for each other.

  • With our affordable monthly plans, we know that the initial startup investment may come as a shock. Here’s what the start-up includes, and why it’s crucial to your success.

    • Messaging Strategy

      We clarify your message before we spend any resources on marketing your school. Without a clear brand message, your school will be throwing money down the drain, and we won’t be a part of that. In the past, this messaging strategy was a stand-alone product for Everydesk, and we’ve seen schools succeed just by clarifying their message alone. This messaging strategy will be completed over two sessions with you and any of your leadership team. You will walk away with your school’s brand narrative, one-liner, and tag-line which you can use for all your marketing purposes moving forward.

    • Systems Onboard

      We will discover what software your school already has in place to save you from having to purchase additional systems. We audit your website, email software, and social media to make sure the kinks are ironed out before we launch a campaign.

  • At $599/mo, The Starter Plan is designed for small enrollment teams (or individual staff members) who want to generate leads online and receive expert feedback on their ongoing recruitment efforts. Here are the program highlights:

    • Messaging Strategy

      • Using a proven messaging framework, we will meet over two sessions to clarify your school’s message. You will receive a brand narrative, one-liner, and tag-line to help with your marketing efforts

    • Monthly Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaign

      • Using your existing photos or video, we will run one ad campaign per month designed to raise awareness and capture leads.

      • Monthly Analytics

      • This does not include your ad spend. (Schools spend $100+ per month depending on your goals)

    • Monthly Consultation

      • You will receive a monthly 45min consultation. During this time we will review our campaign goals. You can also use this time to get feedback on your larger recruitment strategy. This is time set aside with an expert marketer every month to make sure you are spending your effort in the right ways.

    • Collateral Review

      • Do you ever work on an enrollment card, website page, or mailer and wish you had a second opinion? With the Starter Plan, you can simply send us an email and we will give you feedback before you send anything off to the printer!

  • At $1099/mo, The Standard Plan provides your school with a part-time expert marketer. This plan is great for single-site charter schools or small networks that want to strengthen their recruitment efforts. Here’s what it includes:

    • Messaging Strategy

      • Using a proven messaging framework, we will meet over two sessions to clarify your school’s message. You will receive a brand narrative, one-liner, and tag-line to help with your marketing efforts

    • Monthly Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaign

      • Using your existing photos or video, we will run one ad campaign per month designed to raise awareness and capture leads.

      • Monthly Analytics

      • This does not include your ad spend. (Schools spend $100+ per month depending on your goals)

    • One Piece of Monthly Content/Collateral Development

      • Excellent schools produce content that engages families and is mission-aligned. Everydesk will produce one piece of content for you every month. This is a flexible service that can be used to meet the needs and fill the gaps in your marketing efforts. Here are some examples of monthly deliverables:

        • 3 sequence email campaign encouraging prospects to apply.

        • Blog Post

        • Video or Radio Script

        • Website copy

        • Enrollment 1 Pager

        • Recruitment Mailer

        • Call Script

    • Monthly Consultation

      • You will receive a monthly 45min consultation. During this time we will review our campaign goals. You can also use this time to get feedback on your larger recruitment strategy. This is time set aside with an expert marketer every month to make sure you are spending your effort in the right ways.

  • At $1999/mo, The Stand-Out Plan pairs your organization with a marketing expert to serve alongside your team. This plan increases the capacity of your administrative or operational team allowing you to focus on the work you are best equipped to do.

    • Messaging Strategy

      • Using a proven messaging framework, we will meet over two sessions to clarify your school’s message. You will receive a brand narrative, one-liner, and tag-line to help with your marketing efforts

    • Two Monthly Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns

      • Using your existing photos or video, we will run two ad campaigns per month designed to raise awareness, educate your audience, or capture leads.

      • Monthly Analytics

      • This does not include your ad spend. (Schools spend $100+ per month depending on your goals)

    • Two Pieces of Monthly Content/Collateral Development

      • Excellent schools produce content that engages families and is mission-aligned. Everydesk will produce two pieces of content for you every month. This is a flexible service that can be used to meet the needs and fill the gaps in your marketing efforts. Here are some examples of monthly deliverables:

        • 3 sequence email campaign encouraging prospects to apply.

        • Blog Post

        • Video or Radio Script

        • Website copy

        • Enrollment 1 Pager

        • Recruitment Mailer

        • Call Script

    • Bi-Weekly Consultation

      • We will meet with your team for 45 minutes, twice a month. During this time we will review our campaign results, plan for upcoming collateral, and make sure your recruitment efforts are working together.

  • You can contract an Everydesk Subscription for six or twelve months, depending on your organization’s needs.

  • Yes! If we don’t help you regain your investment within the year, we will give you your money back. With any of our plans, if your school is able to recruit just two extra students with our help, you have already made your investment back. These services are a no-brainer!

  • Yes, you can! Depending on the needs of your organization, this may be the most affordable and effective way to get a new website up and running. Here are the details:

    • At $499 a month for 1 year, Everydesk will design & develop a website with up to 5 pages (you can contract more pages if necessary).

    • Everydesk will manage your website and train your staff on how to update content.

    • The turnaround for a website is around 6 weeks, depending on how readily available your content is.

  • Yes, you can contract just a website plan with no recruitment services. Visit: